Monday, May 17, 2021

Trip to the Doctor

Captains Log May 17 – I was able to schedule an Orthopedic appointment this morning in Toledo so we were up and moving earlier than normal.  I had to be there by 9 for paperwork for my 9:30 appointment.  Bill dropped me off at the entrance and I proceeded to a check in and then assigned a clerk to fill in the blanks on my info.

The hospital is part of/related to University of Toledo and it’s a teaching hospital.  After a series of xrays of my shoulder I met with a Resident.  He poked and prodded and reviewed my xrays.  He agreed to give me a shot in 2 places.  Then the Doctor came in and he is from Egypt so his English was off a bit but he seemed to really know what’s what when it came to my shoulder.  He would have liked for me to be in town a while and do “minor” surgery to remove this crazy nodule that has been growing on top of my shoulder.  Not happening any time soon!  They diagnosed Tendonitis,   Impingement syndrome and Arthritis of acromioclavicular joint.  I got my 2 injections and they wished me well.  I sure hope it works!

We stopped on the way back to the RV for Bill to wash the truck.  Then on back to the RV for lunch.  I got busy catching up on my blog posts and emails.  I printed some postcards but can’t get the printers to switch to my postcard tray.  It’s always something.

Bill visited with our neighbors who have a small Retro tow behind.  He was working on it as they had a flat tire on the way here and tore off the fender and broke the sewer hook up.  They are from Coral Springs, FL.

Tomorrow we will be heading west a bit farther to Howe, IN which is pretty close to Elkhart and Shipshewana.  Shipshewana has a great Flea Market – Swap Meet on Tuesday and Wednesday so we will go on Wednesday!

Will try and see what we get on TV tonight.  It’s always an adventure!

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