Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Arrived in Bayfield, WI - Home of Apostle Islands

Captains Log May 25 – Driving Day!  It was a  pretty smooth  driving day  with just  a bit of rain a couple of times.  We were hoping it would be dry for setting up the RV and it was!

Somehow between the navigator and the driver, we took a wrong road and by the time the navigator figured it out it was too far to turn around so we went another route and it added maybe an hour to our journey for the day.

The concern was finding a fuel stop that had diesel pumps for trucks/RV’s.  We were down to ¼ tank when we found one and it also was the best price we saw all day.  It was on a Reservation and they don’t have to pay certain taxes so the prices are always better.

We also drove thru more Round A-bouts in one day that we’ve been on in a month anywhere else.  One town must have had 5 in a row! 

We did a quick stop for fruit at the only Walmart we passed all day and got into our campground at 3:40 Central Time, yes, we gained an hour today and we used it wisely!

I didn’t have to cook tonight as we shared one of the pasties and I made salads.  I did put chicken in the crockpot to cook to put in the pasta salad I made today for dinner tomorrow.  

We’ve had a power issue at this site, it’s gone off 3 times.  Bill notified the office and they said it was a refurbished panel and he will have his guy out tomorrow to check it.

Time to read a few pages and get a good night’s sleep   - wishful thinking!!

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