Thursday, May 13, 2021

Friday the 13th Hit Early and "Annie get your gun"

Captains Log May 13 – I wish I could blame my “worst ever RVday” on it being Friday, the

Last house Annie lived in

13th, but since it’s only Thursday I have to suck it up and take the blame.  The campground we were in last night had a VERY narrow entrance and equally narrow exit with some kind of heavy duty plants growing along the passenger side.  Yeah, I guess you know where this is going.  I needed to do a bit of a swerve to make the turn out on to an equally narrow road and I scraped the side of the RV from about 2/3 of the way.  At one point it became 2 scrapes and broke the tail light and continued to scrape Bill’s truck AND break his taillight and the cover to the sideview mirror.  Never have I been in an accident and the only time I hit something was a tree in my driveway because I backed out the opposite way and didn’t think about the tree.  The good news – if there is any – is we had a new roll of duct tape to keep the tail lights from getting worse.  Once we parked for the night, I called my insurance company and started a claim.  I’m not sure if its good or bad but my coverage with that company ends tomorrow!  I should hear from a claims adjuster tomorrow.

We were on our way to Greenville, OH where we parked the RV at the Garst Museum where

Memorial statue

they have a wing dedicated to Annie Oakley.  We had to unhook the truck to park, which was an issue today as well, then Bill did the taping repairs.  We decided to go ahead and have lunch, I think Bill thought it would make me feel better to eat out, but it didn’t.  I’m very disappointed in myself!  I will be looking at that damage every day of our trip since we won't get it fixed until we get home.

We had a nice lunch at the Montage CafĂ© which the museum lady recommended.  I had crab salad (fake crab) and ham salad and both were good but the crab salad was delicious!  I wished I had gotten both crab!  Bill ordered a BLT that came with a side and he could only eat half of the BLT and he said it was good so he has a lunch in the fridge.

We stopped at the tiny corner park dedicated to Annie Oakley, in addition to seeing the house she last lived in, the house where her funeral took place, A Historical Marker, we thoroughly

Museum display

enjoyed seeing her's and her husband Frank Butler’s photos and memorabilia.  She and Frank died 18 days apart and they did not have any children but are said to have doted on their many nieces and nephews.  I had read a lot on her while researching where and what to see and she was good person who worked hard for her family as a child and in her competitions.  She became a sharpshooter from hunting to feed her family and sell the meat to support them as well.  It’s certainly worth reading about her.  After retirement she taught young girls in Greenville how to shoot.  They traveled all over the world with her performing and had a great life.  Once we drove to our campground and got
One of her rifles and photos

settled in we took the truck and drove to the cemetery where they were buried in her family plot.

So our day ended better than it started but I’m still going to have to look at that damage all summer! 

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