Thursday, June 16, 2016

Whoopie, a whoopie pie!

June 16 – Before work today we drove into Stuart’s Draft as I wanted to go to the Mennonite bakery and they’re only open on Thursday-Saturday and to the Mennonite cheese farm that Mark went to.  That was our first stop and we got curds and some liquid yogurt.  It’s supposedly sweet and we got a recipe for a pineapple smoothie that we’re going to try.  Then at the bake shop we sorta went overboard.  We each picked cookies, molasses and peanut butter, a load of raisin bread and 2 whoopie pies.  I ate my oatmeal one immediately!  They do bake good stuff.  I needed some salad mix and radishes so stopped at Food Lion.  The post office had been closed for lunch but by the time we left the grocery they were open so I got my stamps and we headed home.

Work was steady.  I try to do a sweep of the grounds and pick up trash and always check the bathrooms for TP.  I keep having issues with the soda machine but our lady hasn’t contacted us about getting it serviced.  We also still don’t have the safe open so we asked our neighbors for pennies and they came up with $3, so that’s good.  We just bring all the money home with us.  Oh well!

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