Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Lunch with new friends and a movie!

June 21 – We had rain again last night.  The morning cleared up nicely and we left in our car and our neighbors in their truck to go to lunch.  We invited them a few days ago to thank them for being so good to us.  He’s helped me with a lot of things.  They really work hard and the park is very lucky to have them here.
We met at Doolittles Diner in Stuart’s Draft.  The food was good and basically home cooking.  Bill had a bologna burger and fries and I had a chicken and a beef taco with a side salad.  They have a daily special and today it was chicken and dumplings but they make the flat dough dumplings and I like the round fluffy ones.  Bill and I shared a berry tart and it was OK. 

After lunch they headed on their list of errands and we made a stop at The Cheese Shop for fried pies and then to the movie theatre in Waynesboro.  I dropped Bill at the door to get the tickets while I parked and we were just in time.  I got seated during the last preview.  We saw Central Intelligence with The Rock!  It was super funny and we had some good laughs!  It started raining as soon as we reached the exit door.

Then we stopped at Sharp Shopper and picked up some produce and a block of Farmer’s Cheese and 8 packages of Lebanon bologna.  They’ve lowered the price to $1.99 from $3.49, what a deal!  It’s good until October so I stocked up.  I needed a couple of things at Dollar Tree across the street and then it was time to head home.

I didn’t have a plan for dinner so made a gluten free pizza.  It was OK but I didn’t have any good toppings other than pepperoni.  I also make a quinoa salad for me for this week.

It rained on and off and I was on the phone with Kerry when a mama deer and tiny fawn came racing down our drive.  Of course I was too slow in getting the camera out to get a photo before they headed over into the woods.  Maybe they’ll be back!

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