Friday, June 24, 2016

Only 3 days left to go!

Left is bathhouse, right is our space
June 24 -  It was overcast to start the day but cleared off by the time I was ready to go into Stuart’s Draft and Waynesboro for the last time while we’re here.  Bill wanted me to get cheese curds and liquid yogurt from the farm store on the road into Stuart’s Draft.  We got some last week and last night I made smoothies with it and they were so yummy.  I’ve never seen it anywhere before.  It’s on the sweet side.

In Waynesboro I needed to fill up the car for our trip, get our vitamins and make my last trip to Sharp Shopper.  They have a deal on smoked gouda and Kam and Kerry want some and more Lebanon bologna.  They also had a deal on strawberries!  I will miss that store.

Door to our space
Natalie was at our RV when I got home to let us know 3 boxes of merchandise arrived yesterday and she put it all out.  We also got in some brochures Bill and I ordered 2 weeks ago.  I told her there would be no sodas until Monday.  No one is happy with the management of the inventory in the VC.  When we got to work the snack guy called back from the message Bill left on Wednesday and said he could deliver tomorrow so that will be good.  After Sunday the frustration becomes someone else’s problem!

View from where I stand
The weather never really got nice out, sun off and on and a shower burst here and there.  It was a pretty slow day.  It’s supposed to be nicer tomorrow and really nice on Sunday.  I mopped the floor before we opened and later swept the big covered hall area.  I took some photos of the building outside and our working space.  It’s really a nice building built in the 1930’s by the CCC.  Our space and the fireplaces remind us of the big lodges out in Yellowstone and Glacier.

It appears the little bird nesting in the fence post has babies!  I tried to take a
Look closely in bottom quarter and see the baby with
its mouth open
photo today but it’s difficult to get one with enough light down in the hole inside the nest.  I’m going to try again tomorrow.

We had leftover grilled meats for dinner.  I guess I’ll grill some things tomorrow night and put the grill away.  Then we’ll have food for the first night on the road. 

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