Friday, August 9, 2013

Slow day with trip to town

August 9 – Nothing exciting to start the day.  We did hear there was another bear last night.  This one was in Loop B.  They are going to give handouts to all the campers today and patrol tonight and make everyone properly stores their food items.
We did our bathhouses and hoped to have campers leave so we could get our sites done early, but we had 2 hangers on.  Bill did the last one while I got showered and then he had his turn and we could leave for town.  Town today was Waynesboro.  It’s only about 12 miles.  We had lunch in a little cafĂ© and then spent about an hour on the phone.  We had some business calls we needed to make and leave messages.  We checked email and dealt with that and then, we went shopping.  Stopped at 2 thrift stores and picked up a couple of things and then to Kroger and Wal-Mart.  I picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner and we headed home at about 5. 
Once we got everything put away we delivered flyers to our sites about this weekend’s activities.   We stopped and chatted with some of our campers.  We had our dinner and settled in to read for a while.  A couple of the volunteers came by so we could tell their friends about the C & O Canal position we left. 
Then we finished off the evening with a little reading and TV.

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