Thursday, August 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

August 22 – Harry 85th Birthday Dad!  After breakfast we did our cleaning and shared the raking.  I found a picnic tablecloth clamp and a penny today.  I think Bill pitches anything he finds other than money.  I love the treasure hunt! 
Hummer on a limb
I filled the bird feeders and caught up on my journals and my expense sheet.  I hadn’t logged in either for several days.  I should know better as I can’t remember what day we did what.  It was another beautiful sunny day.  We had several leave and several come in.
After lunch we did a loop walk so Bill could change the date info he had and we found some sites that had not been raked.  Now we weren’t sure if they were overnighters or prior days that we failed to rake.  We stopped by to check on Fred and Linda and they said there was a bear last night that walked half way around their loop and invited us over tonight to sit around the campfire and wait for it to come back.  Sounded like a plan so we said we’d be over around 10 after Burn Notice.
Butters on the prowl
We took a short trip into Stuart’s Draft so I could call my dad for his birthday.  He was busy making dinner so I only had a 30 second talk to him but had a longer one with mom.  I picked up a few things at Food Lion and we caught up on some other calls and headed home for dinner.  I had put a new recipe for tortellini in a creamy tomato sauce in the crockpot and it smelled really good when we walked in.  Made a salad for each of us and no waiting or cooking.  I made a trek to the Admin office to do some computer work and a load of laundry and then didn’t even get anything posted.  The signal was up and down and I had lots else to do.
Once our show was over we walked over to Fred and Linda’s and there was no fire going.  They invited us in to watch out the window with them.  Fried said it was too wet and he couldn’t get a fire started.  After 30 minutes of chatting and no bear we took our flashlights and went home.  Oh well!

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