Thursday, August 29, 2013

Boring day

Nobody gets by Bill
August 29 – It rained all night again and was still drizzly this morning.  When we saw a bit of a break we headed out to get our work done.  The bathhouse was not bad since there were only 3 campers last night but we needed to change the light bulbs.  While Bill worked on that I raked the one site that left and then went to work on cleaning the last 5 fire pits.  That was a job and a half.  It was all so wet from the rain that it weighed a ton.  Some were so deep that I found broken bottles and cans in them.  While I was working on my job Fred came over to assist Bill with the lights and brought a ladder.  It ended up that the same light was out in the men’s as the ladies and after changing all the bulbs it was decided they were out due to a problem with the timer.  I was pooped so just sat and had a beverage and cooled off.
I went to check email after lunch to see if we received one from Wal-mart that our cooler had come in but it hadn’t.  I was able to track it via Fed Ex and it had left Charlotte, NC so who know how long it takes to make it here.  I had planned to do a load of wash but both washers were tied up so I just did some email and headed on back.  I ended up calling Karen via the computer and we talked for an hour.  Bill thought I left and went to pick up the cooler.
It was clearing off a bit but not a super nice day.  Word is the weekend is supposed to be hot so will see.  I like the cooler weather since we’ll still have some heat when we get home.  We just lazed around and read.  After dinner I went back up to check the email again from Walmart, but there was none.  Will try again in the morning.
We watched our TV show and then read.

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