Monday, June 15, 2015

Slow Day!

July 15 – We started our Monday with breakfast, followed by a 2 mile walk.  Just what we needed to get primed for work detail!  Bill took me to the shrubs and I got started while he raked what I did yesterday and then he came home to finish mowing the grass.  It all looks so nice out now! 

Our freshly mowed yard
I worked about 90 minutes when Bill came back for me.  I
All that's left is the top!
was really tired, just out of steam from that and other things.

We didn’t do much the rest of the day, but I DID finally set up my mini ironing board and did the dirty deed.

We went to ACE to return the wrong grill part and they couldn’t find the correct one in their system.  We got the phone number to call Weber and see what we can find out.  Then we went to Wal-mart for a few things.  No produce since we are going out of town tomorrow and returning on Wednesday and might see a roadside stand along the way.

Our neighbor came over to return a dish and met Molly.  She will feed her tomorrow evening and Wednesday morning.  Of course Molly went right to her as she does with everyone. 

Not much else going on except that I need to pack my overnight bag.

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