Thursday, June 18, 2015

Boring day

July 18 -  Rain, rain, go away!

It started pouring at bedtime and rained on and off all night.  We didn’t manage to get in our 2 miles this morning.  We headed out and since it was overcast we were going to do the whole long road down and back but then the drizzle started so we turned and cut through a couple of loops and managed to get back before the skies opened up.  It meant no outside work today!  It rained on and off most of the day.

We did housework instead.  Cleaning and putting things away and pitching a few things too.  After lunch Bill went to Wal-mart for a few things and stopped at Auto Zone for replacement bulbs for some of our RV lights but they didn’t have what we needed.

Kam gets in tomorrow morning so if all goes well we will pick her up at 9 AM.  I sure hope the weather is better as she/we have a full schedule during her stay.  We still have to work at night but as long as we can spend the days out and about it will be great!

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