Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Project under Way

June 27 – OK, I gave in and walked the 2 miles this morning.  Only, because we were done with the shrubs and the new job is under trees and today was only 70 out went we went to walk.  Last night’s rain cooled things off a lot and it stayed a bit overcast most of the morning.

I started on the weeding while Bill mowed our grass and the neighbor’s so everything would look nice.  I worked about 2.5 hours and was still not done.  Bill came behind me and put down the mulch but 10 bags was not even close.  He called Jason and told him we needed more but since it’s Saturday we didn’t expect it.  Probably Monday.   It’s looking pretty nice already!

Eventually after lunch we went to town.  I wanted a book at the used book store, but no luck!  Then we dropped mail off at the post office and I wanted a few things a Dollar Tree. 

I received an email from the ranger in Idaho and she has us baffled!  She complained that our arriving one day late will mess up the schedule, then her next email says that if we arrive on the 11th we’ll have to dry camp or take a space in the campground with no water.  I don’t get it!  She’s known for months when we thought we’d arrive and now she says we’d have to dry camp and now suggested we “dawdle” on the way up or she’d see if one of the volunteers that is leaving wants to leave a day or so early!  Geez!  So now we’re waiting to hear so we know how to plan.  Ticks me off!

We caught up with email and I needed to save some forms to print and work from for my work. 

He looks good with a new paint job but not his left arm
and a toe missing.
My big frog we put on the front window of the RV fell off the night Jean and Paul were here and broke the leg and one toe off him.  I bought some spray paint and sprayed him and left him to dry so next I’ll see what I can do to fix him.  He’s the first one we bought and I don’t think they guy makes them anymore.

I heated up my ribs and other grilled leftovers for dinner.  I microwaved the last ear of corn for Bill and heated up a sweet potato for me and then we had sliced tomato and cukes to finish it off.  That’s Bill’s favorite kind of dinner.  We had our peach crisp and ice cream later and headed off to work. 

It was pretty slow tonight.  I made two scrubbies and wrote in my “Story of my Life” book.  Bill usually watches TV and sometimes he reads.  That’s our duty now for the week!

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