Saturday, August 20, 2022

Shopping Day!

August 20 – Once breakfast was over we kinda dilly dallied and got our showers and headed into Calgary again.  We went to a huge mall, the one that was closest to us.  It had 3 sporting goods stores but not the shirt Bill was looking for.  We were impressed with the HUGE food court and variety of places to order lunch.  I went with Greek and Bill went with chicken, noodles and zucchini.  We both really enjoyed our lunch but too bad we could not find him a tshirt!

I did buy a Christmas gift so it wasn’t a total waste!  Then Bill walked me to the Safeway Grocery and he left to move the car to the front of it.  I did get some of the items we could not find at Walmart so that was better.  Then we went to the closest Canadian Tire place.  I guess they do tire work but it’s more like a cross between a Lowes and a Walmart.  They have everything!  Bill bought a gizmo to clean the RV windows and that was pretty much it.  I checked out a lot of stuff but really didn’t want to deal with finding a place to put it in the RV for the ride home. 

Bill used his new “toy” to clean the front window and then he sorted out books that we haven’t read from the back of his truck and put in a bag that we have read.  I think we are good now for a few more days.  I descaled my Keurig and a pair of ice trays I forgot we had so while we don’t have an icemaker we can make 4 trays at a time.  I do love my ice!

Dinner is salmon for me and meatloaf for Bill, fresh corn on the cob and zucchini.   We have some diet ice cream for dessert so we are good to go!

PS:  There is NO WIFI at this campground either!  Luckily, I am able to hotspot off of Bill but he can’t off of my phone.  Doesn’t help with my laptop though.

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