Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Most excitement was seeing a bear cub

August 24 – Not a very exciting day today.  We did laundry and cleaned up the RV for our departure tomorrow.  We saw signage about a Bison Paddock and decided to drive out and see them.  We drove out and could not see anything from the overlook so we followed another car all the way around the area.  The roads were not so great but we took them slow and it lead us back to where we started – and no Bison to be seen.  On the last leg of the road I saw all the way in the front area in a corner that you could not see until you went all the way around but you still could not get close.  So we pulled in the pull out at the top of the road.  Bill said he was not walking down there so I started on the waling path but veered off to the grassy area that was much shorter.  I was successful in the whopping  herd of 8 Bison.  I got a few photos and walked back up to let Bill know I found them.

Oh, we also saw a black bear cub along the road but as usual he was too fast for us to get the camera out and ready.

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