August 22 – We said our goodbyes to Calgary and headed south to Waterton Lake. It’s a rather remote area consisting of a national park, lots of lakes and at least one campground. It looked like a nice place to just chill a few days and also visit Waterton National Park.
We have a nice back in space
near the office so we can keep an eye on what’s going on it the park. It’s strictly seasonal. We hear some car noise but it’s pretty quiet. They have several young people working for
the summer like we’ve seen in most of Canada.
One of the girls here will be travelling to Florida this winter with her
We noticed in the afternoon
quite a few RV’s coming in with Fantasy Tours number stickers on them. A couple of them were parked across from us
so we ventured out after dinner and chatted with a couple from the group. She has nothing but good things to say about
a previous caravan they had been on and so far are happy with this one. It’s Canada only but they have a lot on their
agenda. We met the Wagonmaster and got a
booklet of the tours they do.
I cut up the rhubarb I got in
Cochrane and put a quart bag in the freezer and made a small crisp with the
rest. It’s just enough for 4 servings
but it’s better than no rhubarb! I
finished a crochet project and read. I need to find a place with yarn. I’m getting down to nothing that matches!
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