30 / July 1 – These have been two really long days. We’re not sure we’re cut out to handle two 11
hour days back to back anymore. At least
it isn’t 12 like it was when we volunteered here before. It really is a beautiful place and our view
of the mountains is awesome. The park
backs up to another mountain and that one does have bears so we have bear proof
trash containers and have to warn our tent campers not to leave food out or in
the tents unless it’s in an airtight container.
Bill saw so much he felt needed done and he was totally exhausted. It doesn’t
look like anyone has used a weed eater since the season began. He was pulling weeds in front of the office
and weed eating, then did some ant treating and weed killer. He said he wonders if he’ll get it all in a
shape in the 2 months he’s here. There
are big Frazier fur trees and he’s going to try a lawnmower under them as see
if that works instead of weed eating. He
has to do all of the propane for motorhomes and has done a lot of tanks
also. He has to clean the bathhouses and
learned not to do them back to back as the mopping is hard on his
and I keep on the move also all day, at least my first 2. I’m refreshing on things so am doing all of
the cash register and hope after 2 days I’ll get on track. I was over both days. At least I wasn’t short! The phone rings constantly as there must be a
lot of unprepared people in RV’s that come to Yellowstone at the 4th
of July week/weekend and expect to get a camping spot for several days. Idiots!
Fortunately for some we’ve had guests with mechanical issues who have
had to push back their days or cut back on the number of days. We barely get a vacancy and it’s filled. Thank goodness there’s only one phone
line. We are also in charge of 24
washers and 12 dryers, a soda machine, the detergent dispenser, mail sorting of
seasonal guests, cleaning the laundry restrooms, cleaning the Laundromat,
chasing down the guys to pump propane and more…..
me, the first day I took my tote with a book and netting to do some scrubbies. That was a joke! I didn’t even get one side of a scrubbie done
and don’t even think I managed to open my book.
I barely got to check my email.
Luckily when Kam called Friday we were in a lull and was able to step
away and talk with her. It is
non-stop. My back and feet have really
been sore and I’m not sleeping so well due to my sore back, can’t seem to find
a position my back feels good.
have NOT been cooking as we had Lean Cuisine with extra salad one night and
tonight we had leftover Chicken Enchilada and salad. Maybe I can work up my
stamina so I’m not so pooped!
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