Monday, July 3, 2017

Moose Sighting!!!!!!

July 3 – I slept in rather late and Bill was even later.  I just haven’t slept well as my back has really bothered me.  While we had breakfast our neighbor, Sue, stopped by to see if we needed anything in Bozeman.  I asked her to pick up 3 things for us.

Bill put out more of our outdoor items and I did another load of laundry.  While it was washing I got on the roof and put the new antenna on.  Cakewalk!  Also noted the one still up is in need of replacing also.  Bill called to order it but Winnebago is closed until Wednesday. 

Johnny Sack's Cabin
After lunch we drove about 7 miles down the valley to the
Example of long and narrow valley
post office to send off cards and a package and then went down to Big Springs to see Johnny Sacks cabin.  That’s where we were supposed to volunteer 2 years ago and it didn’t work out.  It’s a couple of miles in the woods with a scattering of cabins along the and just before the cabin is a rustic campground.  As we passed the entrance to the campground I caught site of a moose.  I shrieked for Bill to stop and grabbed my camera and got out.  It was a mother and her baby meandering through the woods.  I got a couple of shots in the woods and followed quietly along the edge of the road as Bill crept along behind me.  Mom and baby were head to the springs.  What a beautiful site to see mother and baby wade and frolic in the springs.  As soon as other cars saw me
with the camera they started slowing and coming around us and it didn’t scare them off.  We drove and parked at the cabin and I snapped one photo and was more interested in my moose family.   They kept moving our way, almost in front of the cabin.  Bill stopped on the road with several others and I took a few more photos.  One family was very excited after a whole day in Yellowstone and only saw 5-6 single Bison.  They sure got a show as baby danced and

pranced and ran off from her mother.  It was truly heartwarming to watch.

We headed back to the RV and I made a blueberry crisp for dinner later and prepped a chicken pot pie.  I had about a half of rotisserie chicken that needed to be eaten so now it will make 2 more meals.  I was working on the computer and the power shut off, well, not the computer as it was on battery but to the RV.  Bill went out to check and we were not the only ones.  In a few minutes, Nick, of the other workers went to the panel and got us all up and running again. 

Sue dropped off my groceries and I told her about the moose.  She said I was the 5th or so to tell her about it and she’s going to try again and see if she can see them.  We’ll try again sometime about the same time of day. 

Bill worked on his computer while I was on mine and then we watched some HGTV and had dinner.  It was yummy, especially the crisp!

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