Saturday, July 29, 2017

Excitement on the job!

July 28/29 – Two more days ticked off the work calendar.  Actually 2 not so bad days at all, seems we are now in a bit of a lull.  Kids go back to school in August in lots of places so I think things will slow down in the campground until the Eclipse weekend.  An hour or so south of us will be at 100% and they say there will be 100,000 people in the valley to see it.  Where we are they are saying 98%.  I ordered a solar filter for my camera, now to see if can set the settings correctly for it to work.  If not, we received 5 pair of solar sunglasses (disposable ones) with my filter order that we can at least view it.

The Laundromat was as busy as always as the summer cabin people come in and the seasonals here but the phones were fairly quiet as were the walk-ins looking for space.  Friday night we had one open spot and Saturday there were 6 or so.  We did get a last minute tenter and 2 RV’s but that was fine.

Each day I worked had a “special” event!  Friday we closed at 7 and walked out at 7:15, that was a first!  Saturday one of the 2 hummingbirds that have been feeding at my feeder somehow got in the laundromat.  Well, he got in the open door as we leave both doors open to create a nice breeze and keep the stagnant water smell to a minimum.  I was very worried we could not get him out or that we’d hurt him in the process.  I got a straw broom and he would sit on it but as soon as I moved it he’d fly off to the window again.  I kept creeping it to the door and got him a window panel closer, so I was pleased to be making progress.  Then as I got him to the door he flew further over and passed the door and was at another window panel.  Then he dropped down behind a sign in that panel but continued to drop and suddenly flew left and out the door.  Later when I got home he was back on the feeder.  As a matter of fact, I just heard him go by the open window of the RV.  It’s very quiet out today and you can hear the whirr of his speedy little wings.

We had our leftover grilled items for dinner with the last deviled eggs and some cranberry slaw with poppyseed dressing.  Then it was a bit of TV and read until we couldn’t keep our eyes open.

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