Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go.....

July 14/15 – Nothing much going on except working hard!  The status quo seems to be a full
Hard working man!
campground nightly with callers starting at 9 AM to find a spot for the night.  Bill mowed and used the weed eater as usual but also did some painting of the sign right by the Laundromat/office.  At least Sue and I are getting out sooner, about 7:45 so that’s good. 

As it is warming up daily the snow on the mountains is fading away, so sad! 

We’ve had some “interesting” guests here.  One "little old man" came in for his reservation and looked as though he would hardly make it to the counter.  Once he identified himself he reported that he and his wife unhooked the car back up in Ennis, MT and she was stopping to shop and would be along shortly.  Sue told him he looked beat and to follow one of the guys in the golf carts to his spot and we’d have his wife pay when she arrived.  She arrived looking just as worn and said it was nerve racking getting here as this was a new RV and her husband had trouble driving it.  Later Bill called and asked how much I paid for the new water hose we had in our RV that the “little old man” didn’t have a water hose and he’d pay for it.  Then he asked if the park had any new sewer hoses the “little old man” could buy.  I checked and we didn’t have any new ones but I told him where there were 2 used ones.  Bill was under the RV trying to get things hooked up and he and Hank, the other guy on duty, told me they found the man’s sewer hose so they didn’t need one and the he had just bought this RV and they didn’t tell him where anything was.  Geez!  Later he came in to get a bag of ice and to pay me for the hose, but I needed to look up the receipt as I had no idea what we paid for it. He asked for toilet paper, the kind that falls apart easy for an RV.  I told him we didn’t sell TP but went and got him a roll that we use in the bathroom in the office and EXPLAINED it was 2 ply and NOT to use a lot at a time or he’d have a sewer blockage.  That will be the next problem.  It’s going to be a long 2 months.  His daughter works in Yellowstone NP and they’re here to go and see her during the summer.

Froggy is all repaired, but has a bad scar.  He will be happy to be back outside with his friends.

We had a couple of good rains but at least they were at night. There was quite a bit of wind also!  We are looking forward to our 5 days off!  Other than a trip to "town" I'm not sure what we will do this week.

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