Saturday, July 23, 2016

Flight 93

July 23 – What a day!  We managed to leave
This is a section of the up
and down roads we took
between 9:30 and 10 for the Flight 93 Memorial.  However, I had to get turned around in the campground and Bill followed me in the car and out on the main road and it was miles and miles before there was a place along the road where we could stop and hook up the car.  I didn’t want to try to turn out of the camp ground at a 90 degree turn on a narrow 2 lane road on a hill.  We were also having a problem with the leveling legs.  One stays down about 2 inches and causes a light to stay on and error message to flash.  I tried releveling several times and finally got it to stay up but the error message stayed on all day.

At the new Visitor Center
Then the roads were 2 lane and up and down and it was quite nerve racking.  We didn’t get to the Flight 93 National Memorial until 12:30.  Then we pulled over to the truck and RV parking, which was only 5 spaces and they were taken and one was a pick up truck!  We kinds just sat there and stared and luckily for us one of the RV’s had people in it and they were leaving.  We had a quick lunch and I unloaded the scooter and we went over to the overlook of the crash site and then to the Visitor Center. 

The overlook off the VC to view the entire site
I don’t know how anyone could go thorough that exhibit and not leave in tears. You don’t have to know a single person but it is so emotional.  They even have tissue boxes around as they know the affect the exhibit has on people.  There was quite a large crowd today, I guess because it was Saturday.  We didn’t drive down to the Visitor Shelter, which is the closest a non-relative can get to the actual site.  The site now has a huge boulder where the crater from the crash was.  It stands as the headstone for all the victims as there

was nothing to take home to bury.  They did find stray items, such as a credit card, work ID, keys, but nothing viable of the people.  It is a wonderful tribute to those people who made the choice to stop those madmen from getting to Washington and killing more people there.  It’s way out near a small town but well worth the trip if you’re in that part of the state.

The Hemlock Grove and Visitor Shelter
So now it was officially time to hit the road.  Since it was after 2 and we had 30 miles to go on more 2 lane up and down roads it was slow going.  I pulled over once when I could and let 13 vehicles get around me.  I hate holding everyone else up.  We ended up just north of Harrisburg, PA for the night.  We staying in the trucker/RV lot at the Hollywood Casino at Penn Racetrack.  Bill thought I’d like to go gamble but I was tired and preferred doing my blog.

We had some lasagna I had made and froze with a nice salad for dinner.  Quick and easy to prepare and quicker to toss the paper plates in the trash!  Then we watched an episode of “Hell on Wheels” on the computer before seeing the final episode on TV.  Drats, another one bites the dust.

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