Saturday, July 9, 2016

Busy day and dinner with friends

July 9 – Kerry had asked me earlier in the week if I could work today.  No problem but I hope I remember how to do stuff.  I was up plenty early and had my breakfast and had my work bag ready to go.  Kurt had dropped off the money from the bank last night.  Just as I was ready to leave Bill asked me to do something for him and in the process I totally forgot to take my purse!  Uh oh!  I didn’t realize until I parked and grabbed my work bag and went to grab my purse and it wasn’t there.  Now that meant I was driving without my license, I didn’t have my phone which has work “notes” like combos, etc.  They had also changed the door code and I had just gotten that from Kerry.  Crap!

At least I had my keys as I picked up both sets as I went to leave.  So Tim had already opened the warehouse but I had to use my key to go into the office from the outside.  Now I was in but no combo for the safe and I couldn’t go into the warehouse and shut the door or I couldn’t get back in.  I asked Tim if he had Larisa or Tami in his phone and he said he could call Tami.  She gave me the combo and door code so I was set for the morning.

It was a pretty steady day and quite a few calls so it went kinda fast.  Tim and I got to chat and catch up and I did some paperwork to leave for Kerry for Monday to get it out of the way.  When we closed I had Tim lock up the warehouse and I exited the way I came in.  I guess it was all good!

I did some laundry and cleaned up my kitchen.  I pretty much don’t do the dishes every day as that is Bill’s job and since he’s “under the weather” it’s now mine and I wait til there’s a BIG pile or I run out of pans.  I will load and run the dishwasher but I’m not a big fan of washing them by hand.  It’s been a long summer in that respect.  Bill has managed to use his knee walker or a chair to stand in front of the sink a few times.

Tonight we were meeting camping club friends, Tom and Betty at Servandos for dinner.  Servando used to own Taquitos and for whatever reason he sold it and maybe a year later opened a new place with the same menu in a different plaza.  We haven’t been as often as we used to since there are so many places now to eat in the area.  Wouldn’t you know the minute we get in the car it starts raining and by the time we got to Winter Garden it was a downpour.  We sat in the car at least 20 minutes and Tom and Betty pulled up beside us and waited.  Finally we got a break enough for everyone to get inside and we had an enjoyable dinner with them.  They live in Clermont/Leesburg and had never eaten there and really aren’t Mexican food eaters but they both enjoyed their fajitas. 

When we left it was finally dry.  Harbor Freight was closed so I didn’t get to go there so we just went on home after driving to the back of ABC Liquor to feed the cats and get our Lotto tickets at 7-11.

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