Monday, July 11, 2016

And more yard work....

July 11 – After breakfast I didn’t waste any time getting out to work weeding at the apartment and around our house.  I spent 3 long, hot hours performing manual labor.  Boy, am I out of shape!  It’s good that I can see results though.

After lunch I worked on the problem we have with our shower regulating the water temperature but they sent me the wrong part, so I didn’t get it fixed.  I decided to try the shower upstairs and it gets hot then cold also but not to the same extreme.  Will worry about that one after we get ours working properly. 
Time to head out on errands: First stop was the bank, still trying to get paperwork and checks ordered due to the sale of our branch.  Then a stop at Lowes for track lights for my mom’s house.  Bill’s allergy vial finally came in so I stopped to pick that up and then on to Wal-Mart.
Jared called on his way home and asked if I could watch the kids for a bit so the sitter could leave.  Shiloh pretty much plays on her ipad but Jude is a bit more active.  We practiced hitting off a tee but he doesn’t quite have the hang of it yet.

I made some steelhead trout and leftovers for dinner and enjoyed watching Rizzoli & Isles.

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