Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cold day at home!

New snow on our mountains
July 28 – It was COLD this morning!  Good thing we didn’t plan to go anywhere today.  I didn’t even go outside until after lunch and that was to take some photos of the mountains along our valley that still had snow from the freak storm yesterday.  Becky told us that last night it was half way down the mountains, but  when we got home last night we were more concerned with getting our stuff in the RV and getting the heat on.

I put chicken on this morning for chicken and dumplings for dinner and later made a pan of brownies.  I did one load of laundry, swept the floors and got 5 or more days of my blog caught up.

Bill ended up doing some work for the park for about and hour and was then ticked at the guy who works Monday and Tuesday who told him he didn’t have time to get it done but was sitting in the office while Bill did it.

More of our mountains
He also talked to a single lady in the park who is going to take the position at John Sack’s Cabin that we were supposed to have.  She said she met Susan and she said we backed out and Bill told her what transpired.  She said the spot was pretty bad and she asked Susan if she’d ever seen it, just like we did.  She said she could do it for 2 months and then she doesn’t have to pay rent.  She’s the second lady we’ve met here that travels alone.  The both pull trailers and one is from Texas.  Bill asked how they felt about being alone and they both said they try to stay in larger nicer parks and they’ve not had any trouble.  One leaves here for further north in Montana this week.

One of my hummers
It warmed up enough eventually to even open up the windows.  There is a possibility of freezing tonight so once we’ve both showered Bill is going to disconnect the water line and drain the hose.  We don’t have the stuff to wrap our water line.  Maybe we need to get that for just in case in the future.

Going in for lunch
The chicken and dumplings were delicious!  We had brownies for dessert!  I packed a picnic bag today to take tomorrow, eating out in Yellowstone is getting expensive.  I made chicken salad to take and we have potato salad and broccoli salad, so it’s a salad lunch tomorrow.

Time to read and relax so I can get a good night’s sleep.  We plan to leave at 8 tomorrow.

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