Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Better than yesterday!

July 7 – It was a better day all around!  We got an earlier start, no problems along the way!  Yea!!!

Kansas fields go on forever
We hit some drizzle early on and the roads were much better than yesterday.  Driving through Kansas is very boring, it’s very flat, windy, lots of wheat and corn field and not many towns.  We did get to see a long
Turbine up close
ridge of wind turbines that broke up the ride.

When we stopped for lunch we opened the windows and it was chilly.  It was 68 out!  As we made it to our stop at Hays, KS it got up to 82 but there was a cool breeze.  We camped at the Wal-Mart there.  Bill had called ahead a prescription and we picked it up and a few groceries for on the road.

Bill washed the front of the RV and the car.  The car looked like it was diseased with huge white spots on the front.  There were several other RV’s stopped for the night so we had company.

I heated up leftover pickle steaks and mashed potatoes and steamed cabbage.  Yum!  We are supposed to eat out with Bill’s former students tomorrow night so we’re good now until Thursday!

No electric but we put the generator on to watch our TV shows.  Didn’t need the AC at all, just open windows!

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