Friday, July 24, 2015

Back to Work - what a long day!

July 24 -  Our first day to open the Laundromat and RV Office!  Well, the key would not open the front door but Gina was already inside and then her key would not work and even got stuck in the lock.  Bill tried the side door with our key and it worked.  Bill used some WD-40 on the lock from both sides and got it opened and the key out!  Great way to start the day!

Gina was with me on and off most of the day as she was helping elsewhere and then went with Becky to Idaho Falls for supplies for the RV park.  It was steady most of the day but the laundry wasn’t too busy at all.  I was on my feet most of the day though.

Bill mopped the floors this morning before heading off to weed eat and clean the bathhouse.  He did some parking of RV’s but mostly works independently on whatever he sees needs done outside.

Bill was to bring my lunch over and he made us most of our lunch but then he went to the food wagon next door at the gas station and got himself a cheese quesadilla and got us each an Indian Fry bread, his with honey and mine with cinnamon sugar.  What a nice treat!

At the end of the day Bill came in and helped Gina and Becky with the sweeping, trash emptying, lint removal from the dryers and wiping down all the washers while I did the end of day balancing and prep for tomorrow.  I was quite bummed that I was out of balance $1.00.  They didn’t have an issue with it but I don’t like to not balance!  By the time I got home it was after 8 and my feet were screaming! 

We had leftover rotisserie chicken, some steamed broccoli and Bill had fresh veggies while I had some quinoa salad.  I didn’t even warm up the chicken, I was so tired and my feet hurt so bad!  I just wanted to sit on the sofa and read and relax after I put together a beef stew in the crockpot to cook tomorrow.

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