Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Working along on the decal....

July 17 – Today was one of those boring days.  I dropped bill off at Ferry Hill just before 10 and I headed to Shepherdstown to do the wash and pick up a few things at the grocery.  I had to wait for the geese to cross the road on our street.  Even honking the horn does not move them along any faster.  There are about 20 of them.
I managed to get the laundry folded, remove about a foot of decal and baked a batch of chia flax crackers.  I changed the sheets on the bed and turned the mattress.  Hope it helps Bill to sleep better.  Had a salad for lunch and then it was about time to pick Bill up.  I got to meet Susanna’s mother, Pamela.  Very nice lady and we talked about England and my visit there with Carole and about her and Susanna’s 9 days together here on the road.  They seemed to have super time, especially in Williamsburg, VA.
Once Bill changed and put his laundry away he did his job of getting the glue off the RV that stays on when you take the decal off.  We cleaned what sites needed done and he showered and left at 5 for Charles Town, WV to see one of his former player’s son play baseball.  They were rained out last week and I don’t think there are many other chances to see him.
I did some work on our Girls Trip for October and printed some postcards.  Bill got home around 10:30 and enjoyed the game.

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