Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Almost a lazy day

July 2 – I promised Susanna I’d take her to the bakery this morning and needed to pick her up around 9.  So I got up at 8 and made a batch of berry tarts and bacon breakfast.  There are enough tarts for tomorrow too so that’s good.  I was only a couple of minutes late and the whole trip home to home was less than 45 minutes.  She was very pleased to pick up some bakery items to take to Washington tomorrow and I got Bill a bottle of chocolate milk, a donut and some peanut blossom cookies.  He was happy.
Packhorse Ford along the Potomac
We were not sure what the weather was going to do and so we thought about going to the Crystal Caverns in Boonsboro but I called and it was $20 each and I just think that’s too much since we’ve been to others that are much larger and better.  The alternative was a 6 mile bike ride.  Ugh!  We rode up to Lock 38 and refilled one of the trash bag holders and on the way back I showed Bill where the path was down to Packhorse Ford.  We took some photos and I took a trash bag that we filled, so we did some civic duty as well as our ride.  On the way back I was not pedaling very fast and Bill ended up leaving me in his dust.  He said he just can’t go that slow.  No problem, I can’t go that fast.

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