Saturday, July 6, 2013

Symphony and Fireworks

July 6 – I got confused on what day it was so I made our Sunday breakfast a day early! Bill thought that meant he'd get it two days in a row – NOT! He dropped me at the VC and he went to Antietam Battlefield to stake out our plot for tonight's concert of the Maryland Symphony Orchestra, followed by a huge fireworks display. They allow you to put down a 10 x 10 tarp to reserve your spot so we put down a 6 x 8 for just the two of us.
It got busy in the VC today and I had to do several tours. Ugh! Didn't get to eat my lunch until I was leaving.  Plus they don’t turn the AC on and it was really hot in there today. 
Bill went to the store for a rotisserie chicken for tonight with our leftover potato salad and cole slaw before picking me up. After going through our mail packet from Kam I sat in my recliner in the wonderful AC and read for a while.
Our spot
Bill wanted to leave my 4:45 for Antietam so I changed into my patriotic top and packed our coolers and we arrived just after 5. This morning Bill had met our neighbors who were there ALL day. They have set up about 30 portalets and there's concession stands but I think we have enough food. We had a parking pass from our ranger supervisor and got to park pretty close. Bill managed to snag a place under a tree but a little far back. We'll be able to hear just fine and see the fireworks, but at least we're closer to the road and our parking to leave.
Most of the music we knew but there were some songs that we never heard of.  It was a
Not a great photo, but one of the fireworks
very relaxing evening as we read, typed my journal and then listened to the symphony.  When it was time for the fireworks the pace picked up.  The display was really good and we saw some fireworks we had never scene.  We thought we’d have trouble getting out and home but as soon as the fireworks ended we made it quickly to our truck and made a pretty quick getaway.  We got home earlier than we expected, about 10:00.  Our parking pass said to expect 60 – 90 minute wait to get out.  There were cars parked all the way into Sharpsburg.  They were everywhere!

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