Thursday, July 18, 2013

A few more berries

July 18 – After breakfast we went out to pick berries for a bit.  It was a lot better going in the morning before the sun came over.  We didn’t pick as many as I had to get home to shower and report to Ferry Hill by noon.  I had a little mishap and slid down the embankment.  I was more worried about spilling my berries.  I got several splinters in my hand and think I’m going to have a nice bruise on my hip.
The first hour was pretty slow today but I got to know Bob, the newest volunteer, a little better.  He visits Mt. Dora during the winter dealing with antiques.  The end of the day was busier and new ranger Melissa went over a lot of stuff with us.  Then in 2 week she’ll have to go over it again with the new camp hosts that take our place. 
I made a short run to Food Lion for some pie crusts so I could make some berry tarts when I got home.  There were pretty good! I put another pie bag of berries in the freezer.
After dinner I got on the roof and cleaned the dirty gray streaks from the front top and then Bill did the rest of the front.  One of our pre-leaving jobs out of the way.
Time to watch TV.  Dan’s on the episode of Graceland tonight.  Hope we can find him.

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