August 13 – Another crazy day! We didn’t have any campers leaving but I wanted to get some weeding done and found 1 site Bill totally missed so I did the fire pit and picked up beer caps and trash and let him come back out and rake. The raking kills my left hip for some reason. In between we took 4 loads of wash up to be done and while I was back and forth with laundry and weeding Bill washed and waxed the truck.
After lunch Bill went and got a lawnmower and cut grass and I folded laundry and packed for our trip tomorrow. I had some ironing I wanted to get done so I cleared off the counter and set up my little ironing board and darn if the power didn’t go off. We get little blips rather frequently so I really didn’t think much of it. We had one during the night. So I just got my book and sat down to read until it came back on, well, it started getting warm inside so I took Xena and we went outside and I knew I’d hear the AC when it came back on.
Well it didn’t. Newell rode up and asked if I had power and I said no and he didn’t have any at Tiffany either so he went up to the office to report it. When he came back he said Rosa had power, as did the office and the boat inspection station. It went off around 3.
Well, there wasn’t much to be done without the electric and it was too hot inside and out there was a nice breeze and I had shade at our tree. A family that came in from boating walked up to the site just as a crazy man drove up from the other end and he slammed on his brakes, making skid marks and went into the grass. The first lady commented “was he going to stop”. He jumped out and started screaming at me about the power being off and his dog being in his trailer and it was 85. I apologized and said I understood because I have a dog and that the park manager had already been by and said they are working on it. He went ballistic on me, ordering me to call the manager and get him on the phone and how he had paid good money to have electric, and how crummy this place was. I told him I am a volunteer and I he had no need to scream at me and I was not going to call and he could go up to the office and lodge his complaints there. He didn’t let up. I can get pretty pissy when it’s called for and he had me just about ready to let him know it too. Perhaps if the other family was not standing there witnessing his behavior I would have set him on the straight and narrow. There was nothing I could say to appease him. He asked where the office was. The wife in the other family said she wasn’t here to scream at me, just to see if we had any idea how long it would be. I told her we had not gotten any word but that the power company has been called and was on the way. We are pretty far out so I knew it would not be fast. The power was off 3 ½ hours. I later found out the creep told them in the office that his dog was dead and he behaved just as badly there. The head ranger went out to his site to talk to him and the dog was fine. She told him to go up and apologize to the ladies in the office and I told Bill he never came here and if he did I would not accept his apology as that was totally unacceptable behavior for a grown man.
So, Bill ended up leaving to go help the ranger clean up some mess at Arboles Point and I finally did my ironing so I could get to dinner. I got it all out and ready to finalize but waited for Bill. We didn’t eat until 8. Then I did the dishes so he could walk Xena and he packed what was ready in the truck for tomorrow. I changed the sheets on the bed and got my shower and thought I better get my journal typed and my laptop packed up for tomorrow.
Another fun day at Navajo State Park!
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