Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 10 & 11 and my favorite cows

August 10 – Although it was our day off, I really didn’t feel like a drive in to Durango after the long day we had yesterday. Bill has a prescription ready so maybe we’ll go Saturday afternoon. We didn’t really do much. Bill did our sites and some weed eating and wasp chasing. I made the frosting for the cake I agreed to ice on Sunday and I made a batch of caramel corn to take to our friend Mike next week. (So Dar don’t tell!) We did some interneting on places to apply to for next summer and started planning our departure in September. I barely left the RV. I grilled salmon for me and brat burgers for Bill. Other than walking Xena and visiting some of the other volunteers, it was pretty dull.

August 11 – Today was a little more exciting. I worked this morning but yawned the whole time. Don’t know why I was so tired. We didn’t have any campers leaving so Bill didn’t have any sites to clean but he did go down and get a lawnmower and cut as much as he could without bothering our campers.

When I got home he had my lunch ready and he had already eaten, so we changed clothes and diapered Xena and drove into Durango. We got there just in time to catch the movie Bill wanted to see, Bourne Legacy. We thought it might be crowded but there were 142 open seats so we had no problem. It was a long movie and of course it was very action packed. It was a bit hard to follow in the beginning but eventually it all unfolds and you get the drift.

We made a quick stop at Wal-Mart for Bill to get his prescription and I bought a few items. Since we are leaving on Tuesday I don’t want to leave much to spoil so we’ll just eat what we have for the next couple of days. I did grab the last rotisserie chicken since I didn’t take anything out for dinner and you can never go wrong with a rotisserie chicken. We stopped to fill up the truck and the price at our regular station was up .22 since the last time we stopped. Of course the prices go up when it’s time for us to drive back to Florida.

Belted Galloway cows AKA Oreo Cows
Wouldn’t you know the one time I don’t take my camera the Oreo cows were right up to the fence? They’re actually Belted Galloway cattle. They are black with wide white bands around their middles. They are just the neatest cows I've ever seen.  They come from Scotland I believe. Bill stopped and let me out and I used my phone and it did OK. Then he turned around and came back for me. The spot is just over a hill and he was afraid a truck would come over and hit me/us.

We enjoyed our chicken with some corn on the cob and a fresh veggie plate. Then we started on our planning quests again. We had someone come buy firewood and then a woman report her 7 year old daughter missing. Bill called the ranger on duty and then he went out in the Mule and drove the park. By the time he got back he found out that she was found with her dad at the marina. Dumb parents with failure to communicate.

We finished off the peach crisp and I did 5 letters to parks in NY for next summer. At least we’re making headway.

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