Thursday, August 31, 2017

Another month bites the dust!

August 31 – Happy Birthday Jared!

I made a nice breakfast this morning of that delicious sausage, cantaloupe, an egg for Bill and grits for me.  No better way to start the day!  We decided to try Boondocks again today for lunch so I based the rest of my morning on that premise.

Bill did up the dishes and I took my stove apart to clean it and see if I could adjust one of the burners in back that was flaring flame from the side.  In testing the 3 burners, the 2 back worked perfectly after adjusting, but the front (I used it last night) let gas out but would not light.  Crap!  It’s always something.  I might take it apart again this afternoon and see if I can find the problem.  That’s the burner I mostly use and I’ve had a part replaced in it once before.  I need better manuals for these things!

Checked on items I ordered and my script is on track to be at Carole’s by the time we get there and our RV parts should be there tomorrow.  I called 2 places in Texas this morning and made reservations for the trip home.  I’m waiting to hear from the log siding guy in NC if we will be making an out of the way stop there but it is a much needed stop.

The high today will only be 71 and there’s a slight breeze with a chill to it.  I opted for capris today instead of shorts.  From what I’m seeing I will still get plenty of opportunity to wear my shorts when we head south. 

Still having trouble getting things done and replies from the facility where mom is.  I sent a terse email to the director of her unit today.  Did get a reply that she needs to push it up the ladder as she isn’t getting a reply from the visiting doctor either.  This is getting OLD!

We went for a late lunch at Boondocks.  It’s considered in Island Park but it’s 12 miles away, kinda back in the woods.  They’re not open 7 days a week.  The food was very good.  Bill had a huge BLT on toasted rye with a side of slaw and I had a side salad and an appetizer of pork tamales.  It came with 6 but I brought 2 home for dinner tonight.  Then we shared a slice of cheesecake with huckleberry topping.  Bill didn't hesitate to tell the waitress he could have eaten a whole piece.  That was kind of the idea of sharing, the lunch was big enough!  They are known for their huge cinnamon buns so we got one to take home and will probably warm it for breakfast in the morning.

A bit down the road from Boondocks are the 2 tiny houses that we saw before when we
A tiny house
drove out there.  Today we saw the sign indicating they are rentals.  They have 5 axles which we thought was different than we’ve seen on TV.  We watch a lot of tiny house shows.

In front of Boondocks
Bill washed his car and of course, as soon as he finished waxing the front we got a 5 minute rain and a bit of wind.  At least it’s clean!  I went over to visit with Sue for a bit but then a guy came in and he wanted to chat so I gave up and came home. 

I took my front stove burner apart and tinkered with it but it still won’t light without a match so I looked it up online and ordered a valve burner kit and having it sent to Carole with my other parts.  Now to find instructions for replacing it.

It turned out to be a beautiful day!  We still have smoke from fires but it warmed up just right to be outside today.  I’m not sure we will enjoy the weather down south as much as we have here.

We cleaned out an assortment of leftovers for dinner.  Still have some left but making progress.  We ate late since we ate breakfast and lunch late.  Bill did up the dishes and we watched TV and once again we settled down and read.


  1. Replies
    1. I've used all that I had left from the garage and have some rotted pieces I need to replace.
