Thursday, August 10, 2017

Yellowstone here we come!

August 10 – Everyone was up just after 8.  I made a big breakfast of sausage, blueberry muffins, eggs and mixed fruit.  I think everyone was stuffed!

Harry had a phone meeting with his employer at 10 so Bill and I got showered and packed the cooler while he was “working”.  Bill unloaded the car so the back seat was empty for Harry and the cooler.  There was a line at the entrance to Yellowstone, but since we were late leaving we really couldn’t complain.  Traffic moved OK in the beginning but then there was the “wildlife sighting” back up.  There were a couple of female elk and a baby but luckily there was a ranger to move traffic along.

Firehole Falls
Our first stop was the one way turn off to Firehole Falls
Black Sand Geyser Basin
.  Fortunately there was a spot in the parking area so we got to stop and get a good look at the falls and some nice photos.

The first 2 geyser basins were backed up out in to the road so we just continued on.  The 3rd basin, Black Sand Basin, had parking and no major traffic so Bill stayed in the car while Harry and I did the boardwalk. There was the large number of Asian visitors that we encounter on every visit to the park.  We took some nice photos and got in some exercise along the way.

Traffic was not as bad as we expected at Old Faithful.  I think it was our timing as we were a little off.  We arrived shortly after the last eruption.  We parked and Harry and I took the cooler and went on up to the Visitor Center.  Bill came up while Harry and I were starting our lunch.  We found a nice bench with a back and claimed it.  We had a straight shot view of the geyser.  Old Faithful had a couple of false starts but eventually erupted.  It’s always a site to see no matter how often.

Once we were ready to disband, Bill took the cooler to the car and was driving around to the general store while Harry and I walked to Old Faithful Inn so he could see it.  Then we walked next door to the general store.  Once Bill arrived we got ice cream and sat outside and enjoyed it until it was time to circle back.
Prismatic Spring

We headed back to the geyser basins we didn’t get into this morning.  Midway was still difficult getting in to but once we managed that with busses, RV’s and cars vying for entry, we found a handicapped space and since Bill has a handicapped hanger we snagged it.  We all did the walk this time and some of it was a bit on the stinky, sulfur side.  The mists off the geysers were pretty warm too.  Prismatic Spring in the back of the basin is the most beautiful.  That’s where we took the most pictures. 

One of the paint pots
Fountain Paint Pot was pretty easy getting in and getting parking.  Bill sat that one out as it’s a long boardwalk to the Paint Pot and other geysers.  Harry and I did the whole walk and it’s not the most impressive but each basin has special characteristics. 

We had planned to go to the Great Fountain Geyser but there was an accident of sorts and they blocked off the road and it’s one way so no going in from the other side.  We were pretty geysered out by then anyway. 

The traffic out wasn’t as bad as when we arrived but there was a slow down again where the elk were.  Two were along the river in high grass just laying.  One was only a few feet down the embankment grazing and a crazy woman was 6-8 feet from it.  Of course this time there was no ranger around to keep her back or move the cars along.  There was a line of them pulled off on the other side of the road, but at least they were not blocking traffic.

It was too early for dinner when we hit West Yellowstone so we headed back down the valley to Big Springs to see if the moose might be out, but no moose tonight.  So we ended up at CafĂ© Sabor and were seated outside and had a view of the river while we ate.  The food was good and we left full.  It was relaxing watching the kayakers and rafters drifting back in to shore.

It was nice not having to cook when we got home, just empty the cooler!  Bill opened our mail packet and he read his magazine while I did email and my journal and Harry talked on the phone and did work or pleasure on his laptop.

I helped Bill with his allergy shot and relaxed with a book.

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