Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The day after....

August 22 – We woke to a sun shiny morning which was nice.  A bit chilly out but a good start on a beautiful day!

After breakfast Bill took his walk while I put one of the blankets in the washer and got my shower and washed my hair.  I had an email I need to print out so got that done and worked on a postcard collage of the eclipse.  I took one over to the campground owners and she was very tickled over it.  I wanted them to have a memento of the event.  Wendell asked if we are coming back next summer and I had to tell him no, that we’re going to Michigan near the Great Lakes if everything works out.  They’d really like us to come back but it’s a long drive 2 years in a row.  I printed some to send out as well.  

I finally finished off the gallon of milk we bought for Harry and made one last batch of tapioca pudding.

Not much excitement today compared to yesterday.  I packed up my glasses and filters until the next one in 7 years in Texas.  Never know where we will be!

We were going to the post office but decided to just drop our stuff in the box at the curb when we go to dinner.  Bill said Sue and Hank went to Bozeman so I called her to see if she would stop at Staples for me and get a box of ink for my printer.  We won’t be near a Staples store again until we leave on September 5.

Bill got ready and we drove into West Yellowstone and dropped off the mail and then to dinner at Wild West Pizza.  When we walked in I remembered we’d eaten there 2 years ago.  There was something we didn’t like about the food and once Bill got his calzone we knew what it was:  they don’t use ricotta in their calzones!  For us that is a must.  Luckily I ordered lasagna with spinach and sausage.  We each had a nice side salad and both brought home half of our meals.  There’s another night I won’t have to cook!

After a quick stop at the grocery store we made it home in time to watch Bill’s TV show, Shooter.  I posted my blog from yesterday and will post this one also.

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