Monday, August 14, 2017

Pre-trip Day Off

August 14 - It rained all night on and off the high for the day was a whopping 60!  Bill slept in and I did a few odds and ends while he was sleeping.  We didn’t finish breakfast until 10:30.  It was a sad day for Bill as he got a call from one of his high school friend’s son that his dad had a massive heart attack on Saturday and died on the way to the hospital.  He spent some time calling some the guys to let them know.  He’s very sorry he won’t be there with the gang.

We caught up over the phone with Ron and Barbara and discussed our meeting up in September in Colorado and plans for once we complete the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.  He has to be back for his winter job a week sooner than we had planned to get back so we will go to Carlsbad Caverns and then they will head to Waco and we’ll do our thing!  Bill wants to visit some people on the way home so they would probably be bored with that (I probably will!).  Anyway, we are still tweaking things for the long road home!

I did up the laundry since we’re heading on a 2 day road trip by car with Molly in tow!  I did my cleaning and made another batch of tapioca and a small blueberry-peach crisp.  I put off getting on the computer most of the day!  When I finally got on I printed my bank statement (another chore I tend to put off), caught up on my journal, my email, printed some things for Bill, posted 2 days blog and just googled stuff! 

I’m not sure what Bill ate for “lunch” but since we ate breakfast so late I had an apple with some almond butter around 2-2:30.

We started putting our duffle bag in order for tomorrow.  We’re not real sure how the weather is going to go so it looks like we’re heading out for much longer than one night!  I packed Molly’s a food bag and Bill put her carrier in the car.  I will pack the cooler in the morning and a bag of “snack” items also.  We keep a case of bottled water in the car so I can check that off.  We charged up the camera and the video camera, so we hope to be on the road by 10. 

I did get my statement balanced tonight and was only off .10 so I just let it go!  When I was a banker for 22 years I would never do that, I’d spend hours hunting for my mistake, but now, I’m older and less anal about it, so what’s a dime?

Time to read and get my jammies on!

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