Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

June 15 – We didn’t work until 2 today so Bill mowed our grass while I went back to town.  We didn’t get to Wal-Mart last night so I made my stop there and back to McD’s for another hour.  Then I called my dad for Father’s Day while I had a good signal.

We decided to hook up our grill since this has been the best weather day we’d had so far.  I took out a variety of meats to grill tonight.

It was a slow day and the guys cut grass and cleaned fire pits and we cleaned the kitchen and it
He sits for a long time and fills up
was a mess from the Father’s Day breakfast on Sunday and we stocked in the Rec Hall.  Most of our guests left early so we didn’t have much going on.  We had 2 guests come in to extend another day and I did one reservation to arrive today.  We all got let go an hour early which was nice since we were grilling out.  Well, once again, things didn’t go as planned.  Bill set up the table and grill and hooked it into the RV propane tank to the connection Kurt and Mark set up before we left.  He turned on the gas lever and no gas!  We tried several times but no luck.  Then we couldn’t find the old hose from the grill to the small tank to go ahead and use that, but think it’s back in FL.  So I ended up having to grill it all on the tiny George Foreman in 3 batches.  It was good but not the plan!

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