Monday, June 9, 2014

Dreary rainy day, AGAIN!

June 9 – Woke to more rain!  Why does it have to rain on our days off?  We didn’t have any real plans so that was good.  I received a call from Home Depot that our rug for the RV was in so once the rain cleared we went to “town”.  I googled used book stores and there was supposed to be one in Willimantic where the HD is but it apparently went out of business, so we drove to the other end of town exploring and stopped at a McD’s for a beverage and they have the old time arches.  Stopped at the Salvation Army store on the way back and I found a nice pair of navy capris and Bill got some shorts and a tshirt.  Last stop was Walmart.  Bill stayed in the car and made some phone calls while he could.  He wanted to check on a friend of ours who’s been in the hospital. 

Bill rolled out our new rug while I put some chicken in the crockpot for chicken and dumplings (gluten free) for dinner and then made lunch.  It’s only been a high of 71 all day and overcast and just plain dreary looking.  The rug looks good!

Bill was pleasantly surprised at how good my gluten free dumplings were.  It got rainy out again so luckily we did our walk before dinner tonight.  Now we have settled in with rain pitter pattering on the roof, waiting for time to watch out shows.  The wifi was pretty strong this afternoon and I got one day posted and hope to get another one.  I’m sure the weather doesn’t help.

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