Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Slower than yesterday!

Small part of Lost Creek Lake
Captains Log June 22 – Slow  day  in  the  park.  That’s a  good thing  for us.   We only  cleaned a
few sites which was fine. 
  When  we  took  pine cones to the wood dump area, we spotted some 2 x 10 pieces  of lumber   so  Bill is  turning them into  leveling  boards  for  the  RV.   They always split  after  a while  so getting them for free is al-ways good. 

We met a new ranger today.  She used to be with the State Park here but decided to come to the county since she lives close by.  Very nice lady.  Most of the volunteers were here with the state as well so everyone is making adjustments.

Bill said he saw a hummingbird so I made a small batch of syrup and will put it out tomorrow and see what we can attract.  There are several birds we have no idea what they are.

Marina View from up top

This afternoon we drove over to the marina to check it out.  We were told they have great soft serve so of course we had to try it!  It was good but not really the best.  We checked out the marina and boy, is that a steep hill to back your boat trailer down!  They have quite a lot of boats docked.

Then we went over to the Day Use area and there were a few having picnics and some at the edge of the water.  This is a bigger park that we originally thought.  They have a huge overflow parking area other there too.  It’s 1.3 miles from the campground.  Lost Creek Lake is huge and backs up the the campground in addition to the marina and day use area.

Bill grilled burgers and hot links for dinner and we had corn on the cob.  Great dinner and the corn was excellent!

Not much else going on but looking forward to our 2 days off.

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