Saturday, June 13, 2020

Time with other cousins!

June 13 -   Some major rain came in the early morning and it was not looking like a good day.  It was 56 when we got up and very slowly the skies started clearing and by noon it was 62 so we were making progress.  After breakfast I made Coconut Macaroons to take to my cousin Becky’s later today.  I also made a few deviled eggs.

Bill and I walked over to take the trash and drop off our camping fees but there’s no slot in the door and I was not leaving cash between the doors.  Just as we walked away a different guy drove up and he’s VP of the fair board so he opened up the office and wrote us our receipt.  Nice guy and Bill got to ask his questions about the Sulky races.

Bill left for the flea market up the road and was going to try another hardware store for a hose nozzle.  I stayed home to try again to get the satellite working somewhat properly.   He had no luck with a nozzle but I did get the TV back on but we’re still not getting all of the satellites. 

We left at 3:45 for Becky’s.  We sat out with Becky, Greg, and my cousin Jeff and talked and laughed while we watched the multitude of birds they have competing for one of the 3 feeders.  They have 5-6 varieties of birds in addition to hummingbirds at the hummingbird feeders.  They have also been caring for 2 sister cats that just gave birth to a total of 7 kittens.  Bill tried to catch one but they are still very skeptical of humans and he had no luck!

As it started getting chilly out we headed in for a nice dinner.  Becky made pulled pork and an awesome salad.  She knew I was going to want it so had the recipe card written up for me already!  Jeff brought some sides and I took my macaroons and deviled eggs.  Once we cleaned up the table we just sat and visited for a couple of hours.  Jeff had to cut out first but the 4 of us stayed at it telling stories and catching up on the family.

It was time to head home and we hope they will get down this winter!  Great visit!

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