Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Super day with my Super Cousin!

June 10 – Surprisingly Bill was up at 7 (I was up at 6) and he went out and washed the front of the RV as we did hit a few bugs (or they hit us).  Then we had breakfast and waited for my cousin Diane to come over. 

Once Diane came we visited a while then she drove and we went out to Amish country.  We hit some shops, saw some horses and buggies and had lunch.  It was full due to social distancing but we said we’d sit at the counter.  Since it was swamped it took a bit but we all enjoyed our lunches for sure!

Kelly in the buggy
We stopped at Walnut Creek Cheese but it’s also a big grocery with lots of bulk food items and sooo many kinds of cheese.  Normally you can taste a dozen but again, due to Covid-19, there was no tasting today.  They have a big kitchenware section with really cool things!  They were hard for me to pass up, but I made up for it with cheese.  Not sure how many pounds we bought but there must be 7-8 kinds and Lebanon bologna and Trail bologna!  I’m good for lunch for a while!

They also had fried pies!  Bill bought a raspberry and a black raspberry and I had blackberry but what I really wanted was coconut.  So sad they didn’t have any!!

When we came back Diane drove us around and we could see my grandparents old house before the interstate bought them out and then they sold the
Great shopping today!
house and moved.  I have great memories of that house and the big yard.  We then stopped at their final house which my cousins now own.  The run their recycling business there and the house is now their office.  We had some good laughs with them and it’s always good to see as many of my cousins as I can.  There are 12 firsts still in the area. 

We stopped at a park on the Ohio Canal and then visited the cemetery where Diane’s mom, Aunt Donna, is and my grandparents, a cousin and her son are.  I have to believe they are playing cards with my mom and dad and having a ball!

Once we got back to the RV Diane came in and we visited some more.  She and her husband Ty are picking us up tomorrow to go visit some places on Bill’s list.

The main part of our meal tonight was --  yes, cheese!  I made Bill and ham and cheese quesadilla and a small salad and I had a big salad with cheese.  Dessert was fried pies!  Yum!

Tree limb in front of us!
After dinner I made a run to Wal-mart for a short list but I really needed half and half.  I had not been back but long enough to put everything away and we had a hard rain and bad wind!  As soon as it started a huge limb fell in the green area in front of us.  Had we parked over there it would have done some damage to the roof of the RV.  It raged on for a while and then just faded into the night!

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