Monday, June 8, 2020

Shopping, eating and visiting!

June 8 – It was a very full day!  We had a somewhat leisurely breakfast.  I made pancakes and corned beef hash.  Then Bill showered and I cleaned up and then it was my turn.  We left about 10.  Bill drove us around Maumee checking out his old house and places that were still there and some that were not.  He needed to be a Lake High School at 11 to pick up some shirts the Athletic Director said he’d give him.  Bill had called a couple days ago and talked to him about buying shirts as that was where Bill first coached.  We picked them up and then made this list of stops, but I can’t remember the order:  Maumee Historical
View of the Maumee River
Society, post office, Fed Ex, PetSmart, Meijers, Ollie’s, Joann’s, a closed used bookstore, the hearing aide office and Panera for lunch! 

We did some Ohio State shopping since it’s super expensive at home and Bill got a thing or 2 from Bowling Green where he went to college. 

Dinner was scheduled for 5:30 at a Mexican place in Perrysburg.  We met Jane and Clyde that Bill knew from the “old” days.  He taught and coached with Clyde be fore he moved to Florida.  We had a nice dinner and visit and of course the guys re-hashed the old days and info on all they people they both knew and worked with.  Dinner was topped off with ice cream just down the road from there.  The guys sat out at a picnic table while Jane and I sat in the car and talked about our kids, etc.  We had a very nice visit and told them we hoped to see them again in 2 more years!

We made a quick stop at a different Meiers and I found another item on my list.  The Walmart was next door but unfortunately they closed at 8:30 so we missed them. Oh well, we were both pooped and ready to get home.  We know Molly was not going to be happy that she’d been left behind for 10 hours!

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