Sunday, July 1, 2018

Settling in at Lake She-Nepp-A-Ho

Playground juts out into the lake
July 1 – We were asked to come up to the office at 9 this morning.  We weren’t sure if we were working or just getting our schedule and t-shirts.  Ends up she asked if we’d help set up for “Bloody Mary Sunday” at 10.  No problem, we cleaned the small hall for set up and I swept the office.  We did finally discuss schedule and it looks like we’ll be working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  I’m unclear on how much I’ll be in the office versus outside, but I did say I didn’t mind doing a split shift.  I would open the office at 9 after starting at 8 on bathroom/shower duty and work til 1 and then work 5-9 and close.  I’m not sure if that’s all days or what.  Since they are new to ownership and now have 2 more sets of hands, it’s a work in progress!

Yard Art???
We wanted to scope out the area bit and offered to go to Sam’s if they needed anything as they don’t have a membership there.  So this afternoon after we got moved to our official spot and had lunch we finally left.  It’s about 10-15 minutes to a complex that has Sam’s, Wal-mart, Staples, Big Lots, Ollies and a lot of other eateries and small shops.  We only hit Sam’s and Wal-mart as I forgot Molly food before.  Corn was .15 an ear so I did buy more.  Bill will get his fill this summer!

After lunch I noticed it was getting warm in the RV and checked and there was no power.  Bill checked the post and there was no power there.  We called the office and she was on the phone with the power company and said the entire park was out.  Luckily we have a generator, so I turned it on and the power was still out when we got back.

The power came back on around 7:30.  It’s a lot quieter when the generator isn’t running.  The weather calmed down and it was pretty nice out.  Just before the power came back on I started up the wonderful convection oven and put in rhubarb crisp.  Should have bought more and I could have put a bag in the freezer.  I warmed the leftover schnitzel for me and meatloaf for Bill and some veggies and corn on the cob. 

I finally managed to post 2 days of the blog.  Having some connection issues with my laptop so taking it to see if a local can fix a connection that has gotten messed up.  I finally gave up and it was time for dessert anyway.  I read for a while after we watched the season finale of The Good Witch.

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