July 27 – Out the door for
our 8 AM bathroom cleaning! Today I had
Bill drop me at the Cadillac while he went to do the portolets and pick up
bagged trash. He went to mow after those
jobs were completed and I cleaned the only open cabin and did trash runs. When we took our morning break I made phone
calls to find a dentist on my dental plan to work on my front tooth.
The first number I called
was a nursing home. The second number
allowed me to dial 1, then select 2, then sit on hold so I gave up and moved on
to the 3 number on my list. I had noted
there were several dentists at that address so figured one should have time to
see me. Once she confirmed they were on
my dental plan we moved forward with my life story and she told me to be there
at 1:15 for my 1:30 appointment and one of 3 dentists would end up taking care
of me.
Bill let them know I would
be back later in the day when he left to go back. Just over night my tongue was sore from
hitting the jagged edges of my tooth. I
left early enough to stop at CVS to pick up my motion sickness prescription for
our journey across Lake Michigan in a couple of weeks and enough for my trip to
in September. That was an ordeal as
Walmart did not have any and could not get it.
Walgreens claimed they could get it but my insurance would not cover it
and it’s $85.00. So I called my Caremark
coverage to see if it was covered and it doesn’t come in a generic so no. I tried CVS and she had 3 single patches
instead of the 4 that come in a box, I didn’t know that you could buy them individually. I really only need 3 so she was calling
Wal-Mart to transfer the script and I could pick them up later.
I left early for the dentist
and stopped at CVS and picked up my script and was surprised it was $16 less
than she had quoted me so that was nice.
There was some road construction on the way to the dentist and when I
arrived I was surprised it was a large family health center. From the forms I had to complete I gathered
that it was a government run place. I
was a little nervous as the 2 dentist I saw when they took me back were pretty
old! I ended up with an old black
gentleman who what just that, very gentle.
I was a little concerned when he asked the technician which tooth he was
working on halfway through the process!!!!!
He barely said a word, just sat in the chair, asked what I needed done,
and went to work. I’m really happy with
the results. As I left I asked her do I
see someone to check out and she said no, just go. I asked about my co-pay, and a receipt and
she asked did I need a receipt. Well, if
they weren’t asking for money I guess not.
Will see what happens!
Loading wood for delivery |
Bill was working when I got
home and he asked if I checked the bank about the closing money from the sale
of our rental house. I was so wrapped up
in my tooth ordeal that I totally forgot.
I checked and the money was there so all is well with the final sale of 1405 Kimberly Street . Yahoo!
We were pretty busy during
the late evening delivering wood, helping RV’s get parked, keeping check on the
restrooms. We didn’t head for home until
after 9:30 and I was more than ready.
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