Friday, July 20, 2018

Lucky penny!

July 20 -   Today was much better than yesterday, but Bill wasn’t feeling well this morning so I headed out by myself to clean the bath/shower houses and Cadillac by myself.  I did some trash pick up and went home for a break.  I had some cereal for breakfast and Bill was feeling better after my break so we went back to work together.

One of the bikes in town for the Bike Time Rally
Bill mowed grass and I help Kim clean 4 cabins.  While mowing, bill called me to tell me there was a dead fish at one of the site he mowed and for me to come get it.  Well, that was NOT happening!  Shaun happened to be at the cabin we were cleaning and he was cleaning a grill and firepit.  I told him it was his turn to retrieve the dead fish.  He grinned and said no problem!

Once Bill was finished mowing we did some general trash pick up and cleaned some sites.  With the motorcycle rally we have about 40 RV’s coming in today.  It was threatening rain most of the day and people weren’t sure what to plan but we didn’t get
Another nice bike
even a drop until about 8:30 PM.  Clouds came and went as did the sunshine so it was not a hot day at all.

We made numerous rounds checking the bathrooms and I helped a new RV owner find his tank monitor and poor guy, discovered that the used RV he bought, the black tank was not emptied and he can’t get it to drain.   Hope he gets things worked out with the dealer that sold it to him.

Bill sat out by the firepit with Shaun that’s outside the office and I kinda roamed around.  We ended up not getting home til about 9:45.  Long day since I started at 7:45 at the bathhouse!

Today I only found a penny, but maybe it will bring me luck.

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