Sunday, September 6, 2020

Time went fast today!

September 5 – We didn’t have to be at work until noon so it was a relaxed morning with leftover scones from yesterday and Canadian bacon for breakfast.  Then I did a load of laundry and changed the bed.  I finished a Catherine Coulter book and can’t wait to start my Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum book.  They are sooo funny! 

Since we eat a bit late for breakfast I took a protein bar to have for a snack this afternoon.  We’re having leftover pickle steaks and mashed potatoes tonight so dinner won’t take long!

It was a beautiful day today, the weather was perfect and the people were having a great time at Charlie Brown Campground.  I didn’t have any check in’s as they had 40 some yesterday and others the day before.  I mostly had visitors checking in and seasonals pre-paying for their guests.  Pam handled any re-books for next year’s Labor Day weekend.  At one point they were lined up and Laurie came over and worked on some the with the laptop.

I cleaned all the Bingo tables once Bingo was done for the day and rang up a lot of firewood and ice. 

There was a lot of ice cream and toppings left from a previous Ice Cream Social event so they scheduled it again today but doubted there would be much turnout.  Bill was manning the water slide and when that’s going on no one in interested in paying for ice cream.  They gave all the staff free ones but I had just had my protein bar.  I made a sundae for Bill and one of the guys took it to him in the golf cart.  Being honest, he’s the one who suggested I make Bill a cup and he’d deliver it.

Once the “social” was over I cleaned those tables as there was evening Bingo and didn’t want sticky spots left from the ice cream.

Terri came in for an hour before my exit and there wasn’t anything Earth shattering to go over so it was a smooth transition!  Actually Pam came and told me to go on home since it was pretty dead, yeah!!

I’ve been working on big scrubbies for all the guys and it’s coming down to a time crunch!  Yikes!  I have 2 done, 1 close and I don’t think I’ll have enough netting to make 7.  I guess I won’t do much reading for the next couple of days!

We eventually had dinner and watched a bit of TV.  I had finished a bottle of Riesling and yearned for more!!


  1. Great times. Looking forward to seeing you both.

    1. Bill's sad, but he always is when we leave a place. Time to get back on the road and see more folks and countryside!
