Friday, September 11, 2020

Great day in Gettysburg

September 11 – Flags were flown at half staff today.  It’s a sad day in the history of the US!

After a breakfast of Cinnamon Bun pancakes and fresh fruit we got our showers and got ready to head out.  First stop was to return a pair of jeans to Wal-mart.  Bill actually bought 2 pair as they wouldn’t allow you to try them on there but you can try them on at home and take them back!  I just waited in the truck.

When Bill ordered the tickets for our horseback tour of Gettysburg for today, he included tickets to the Gettysburg Heritage Center.  He started our tourist day there.  They had a very well done movie about the war and a huge diorama between the seats and the stage.  We were the only ones there and as we got up to go I found a $10 bill on the floor!!

The rest of the museum was very well done also.  They provide 3D glasses to use to see certain poster size photos that were taken during the Civil War times.  There were numerous exhibits about the battle and about specific citizens during that time.

We had lunch at Dunlap’s.  It was very nice but the service was slow.  It wasn’t busy at all and was pretty highly rated.  While we waited we could see across the road to a rental place.  They had electric bikes, gas powered gold carts and little 2 person gas cars like little toys.  The rates were very pricey!

When we left we stopped at The Toy Soldier shop.  I remembered it from when we brought Kam and Jared and they sold toy soldiers of all kinds and bullets and Jared wanted a bullet.  The family that owns is now had every kind of warrior you can imagine.  They’re from all of our wars, including ones like The Alamo and wars in other countries that had nothing really to do with us.  You could get miniatures of everything from camels to dogs and all the weapons as well.  It was very interesting but they didn’t have bullets to get for Jude!

Ready to ride!
They said to be at least 35 minutes early for the 3:00 ride so they
Bill getting his stirrups adjusted
could assign a horse and you could take photos.  We thought we’d be early but we were next to last to arrive and that was 2:30.  Once everyone was there they assigned you a horse and it’s name and that’s how they would address you if need be.  My horse was Tanka and Bill’s was Patriot.  Bill was behind me and we were closer to the rear than the front.  There was a regular guide who dispersed receivers with an ear piece who did the commentary and there were 5 people who kept the horses in line and stopped traffic for us to cross the roads.  It was a slow paced ride through the woods, then across battlefields and farm lands.  We passed a group heading
Heading out of the campground

On our way
back as we left.   We came back the way we went which was a little disappointing.  There were no mishaps but the guy in front of me was told to nudge the horse with his feet it if started falling behind and he wouldn’t do it, then lied that it didn’t help.  They try to keep a tight grouping and most of the horses are so well trained that they have the noses almost touching the horse in front.  We were also told the horses are very well fed and not to let them eat along the trail.  The guy in front of me, his wife was in front of him and she had no control over the horse eating all the time.  Several stopped to do their business along the trail and my horse was so talented that he could poop and walk at the same time.  I didn’t know it was happening until Bill said my horse was making a mess!

All in all it was fun and we enjoyed it but will see how we both feel in the morning!

After crawling out of the truck we just sat for a while then heated up Mexican leftovers for dinner with salad.  Time to blog and see if I get internet tonight!

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