Monday, August 5, 2019

Short trip today

August 5 – You can be sure neither of us was in any big hurry to get up this morning!  My hip and back would not get comfortable all night, so I didn’t sleep well and then Bill told me his leg and foot twitched all night!  What a sorry mess we are!  I made our Sunday breakfast on Monday and it is so much better than the bowl of cereal we had yesterday.

My baby is low on food

I made hummingbird food and filled my feeders and Bill headed back to the storage units to help for about 3 hours this morning.  I cooked him a pan of hard boiled eggs and worked on my last batch of photos so I might get some blogs posted today.  I took a break and walked over to the office to check in and visited a bit with Berta and Elaine, the owner.  It’s was a nice sunny morning.

Bill watching the birds
Once Bill got back we had some lunch and he tried to take a nap.  He did get a call thru to get an appointment set with a neurologist out here.  Hopefully they can get him in by the end of the week.

Mid-afternoon Bill and I drove into West Yellowstone to visit the annual Mountain Men Rendezvous.  It looked to us like
The Rendezvous
there were more participants than in the 2 times we’ve attended before.  The sky was looking like a major downpour was just around the corner so I carried my umbrella and we made the rounds a bit faster than normal.  We only bought one item for my friend Darlene who will be visiting next week for a few days with her husband, Mike.  So I can’t reveal what it is at this point in time!

We totally missed getting rained on which was good.  We had a quiet dinner and watched a bit of TV

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