Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cleaning and cleaning

August 18 - I had a lot on my to do list for today!  Bill got busy on cleaning out and reorganizing the big slide tray.  It looks a lot better organized and some things made the trash!  Hope he remembers where things are!

My plan was to remove the shower drain and use the special hose attachment we bought that has a rotating sprayer on it to stick down the drain and try to clean our tank sensor.  The drain was disgusting, so I did clean it good but it has an elbow turn in it that won’t allow me to push the hose through.  Crap!  So I put it back together and will try a cleaning solution in it on the day we leave here and let it slosh around while we drive to our next location.

As usual I did some laundry, changed the sheets, and rotated the mattress.  In between, I balanced my checkbook and caught up some on blogging.  Gina and Rick stopped by for a while and we had a nice visit.  They are going home for a couple of days for appointments.  They need the break!

It was in the 40’s when we got up and it was on the cold and windy side for the entire day! We’ve been setting the heat at night to come on if we need it and most nights now we do!

I put chicken on to simmer all day and made a pot of chicken and dumpling for dinner.  We had that leftover salad with it.  Enough chicken for 1-2 more meals.  Yum!

Bill’s been reading like crazy so he can finish a book series that they have at the local library before we leave.  Still no local TV, so we don’t watch a lot.

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