Monday, September 4, 2017

Pack 'em up and move 'em out!

September  4 – Busy day!  It didn’t look too good out as the winds have shifted and we are getting all of the smoke from Montana.  No mountain view today. After breakfast Bill went outside for his walk and later put away all of our yard ornaments and the grill while I stripped the bed, cleaned the bedroom, started the laundry and worked my way into the living area.  Bill did the dishes and put them away and we put our big rug away and our coffee table.  He packed up his laptop and got all the travel books in order.

I made a jello pie for the cook out tonight and put way everything I could from on the kitchen counter.  I guess we’re just about as packed as we can be.

After lunch I showered and we left about 2 for West Yellowstone.  I was out of luck today as the hardware store was not open.  We parked and walked the main street up one side and down the other.  No big deals like we met with 2 years ago.  Drats!  I did get a couple of Christmas gifts for my grandson but that was it.

Once we circled to the car we stopped for our final soft serve huckleberry cones and then to the grocery for the final ice cream purchase that I could possibly squeeze into the freezer.  It was so smoky in the valley today but in West Yellowstone it was way worse.  There were not many people in town but I guess they were still in the park.  Driving home it was smoky enough that everyone had their lights on.

Once we got home I made Waldorf salad for the gathering tonight and then did my few pieces of ironing.  I had about an hour on the computer before it was time to go to the rec hall.  The original plan was to eat outside but it was windy all day and with the smoke plans changed. Bill head ahead and unhooked our sewer hose so one less thing to do in the morning.

There were about 20 people at the cookout and a nice assortment of foods.  We had potato salad, deviled eggs, artichoke dip, 2 kinds of cookies, baked beans and my dishes to go with the burgers, dogs and all the trimmings.  Sue even made butter finger ice cream that was yummy.  We were stuffed. 

Everyone helped with clean up and we headed home.  Time to finish up my blog, post it, shut down my laptop, pack her up and put away my computer desk.  I’m sure there will be something exciting to write about as we journey south to Utah!

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