Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Out on the town

Captains Log July 28 – Shopping and Doctoring Day!

Yes, we’ve spent a lot of time with doctors!  That was one good reason to find a volunteer spot for a while as Bill was in the middle of a couple of procedures and then my tooth broke off!  I’m not sure if Bill has more scheduled down the road but I do have a bloodwork appointment in Idaho!

Our first stop was to drop off a Fed Ex envelope.  Then Bill dropped me at a shopping center near my dentist’s office while he went to his dermatologist appt.  The doctor is very pleased with how his wound is healing so that’s on the right track.  While he was there I went to Dollar Tree, TJ Maxx and Tuesday Morning and bought something at each place!

Bill got back as I was checking out of my last store, so timing was great!!  We both liked the Hero’s Sandwich shop in the plaza so rather than look around for something else close we ate there.  Bill’s sandwich was so huge he took half home.  I had a pulled pork bowl with brown rice and 4-5 other things on top and I didn’t leave a grain of rice!

Bill dropped me at the dentist while he went to Target at the ONLY CVS pharmacy to pick up a refill of one of his scripts.  The removal of the temp crown took longer than the placement of the permanent one.  All went well!  It felt tight for about an hour but then just felt like it’s always been in there!

On the way out of Medford for the last time we stopped briefly at the other Dollar Tree for a cold drink and then at the other used bookstore that Bill found.  We turned in a bag of books and got at least 30 replacements!  I only had 5 or so!!

Last stop at the nice Walmart – who was out of rotisserie chicken and then home.  Luckily we had enough leftovers for dinner.  Then of course, we went out and picked more blackberries, whether there was room for them or not!  We have picked 32 pounds and 9 ounces so far!

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